
Chapter 24/a Grandson's funeral

Dear Glen:

In February I wrote you a letter of complaint about the high costs of airfare for senior citizens and myself traveling from Sturgeon Bay to Pensacola, Florida. Thanks for your letter and the list of airlines with reasonable rates you sent. Now I can get cheaper airfares. A week ago, I had to make an emergency trip by plane to Florida. My oldest grandson got killed in a motorcycle accident. With the help of your letter and the list I was able to fly to Florida for my grandson's funeral. I showed the people at the travel agency your letter and they came up with a flight that I could afford. Being on Social Security, it was a really big help. They gave me a savings of close to $500.

Thank you again and keep up the good work that you are doing, in helping not only myself, but also a lot of other people.

Mrs. Mamie Jacobs
Sturgeon Bay, WI

1 comment:

Ethan Rehman said...

This is heartrending. I'm so sorry to hear about her grandson's death. It's also good to hear she was helped by them. There are people who have the heart to give their services to help, and they are certainly very admirable for that.